Thursday, November 13, 2008

Welcome to our Blog!

Thank you for visiting our blog! This is where we will be posting the alternatives for the Neighborhood House Garden Project. Please browse through these five draft alternatives and provide your comments on the site. These comments will help us revise the alternatives for inclusion in a final plan and implementation strategies for the space. We look forward to getting your input and continuing to keep everyone involved!


Milo said...

This is a great! I hope people will take advantage of this opportunity to comment on this project.

BananaC said...

1) Integrate the existing trees into the design or consult with TreeUtah for removal. Do not kill them.

2) Each option needs long-term ongoing cost estimates.

3) Use natural and sustainable materials only.

4) No non-porous concrete (snow removal, cracking, and graffiti issues).

5) No lawn. Use low grasses and plants from (thanks to - Rip Your Strip program).

6) Use only native plants, except the community (food) garden.

7) Art should be located throughout all areas.

8) All fences should be done by local metal artisans.

9) Fences should be controlled to allow access for Neighborhood House onto public space, not vice-versa.

10) A large greenhouse could serve the same functions as the proposed multi-purpose building at a much lower operating cost.

11) No water features (turned off in summer heat = ugly; ongoing maintenance).

12) Make only one amphitheatre (if any at all) and use it as the outdoor classroom.

13) River docks are great.

14) No BBQ pit.

15) Build the bridge.

Thanks for the opportunity to have a voice.

Amy Banks said...

Thank you for your wonderful ideas and thoughtful planning. I am partial to Idea 2, since the open, angular views would allow for better visualization/patrol into the park from 500 South after hours. As pictured, I agree with the ampitheater facing AWAY from the river (and my house) as sound travels quite far up the Jordan. As I mentioned in the community forums, I am very against a pedestrian bridge. There is no need for this bridge, as there is one on 400 and 500 South. A simiar foot bridge on about 600 S is always covered with graffitti. The "docks" would be nice, but I'd like to see development ACROSS the river (trees, shrubs, birdhouses) so people on those docks have something to look other than our house! Thanks.